Disney California Adventure is an encompassing theme park located within the Disneyland Resort complex in Anaheim, California. The cultural California attraction subdivided into seven different entertainment districts is a countrywide vacation destination and serves as one of the most visited theme parks in the world.
Buena Vista is the closest district to the entrance of Disney California Adventure, featuring recreations of Walt Disney’s most famous attributions including Carthay Circle Theatre. Paradise Pier contains the famous Mickey's Fun Wheel Ferris wheel and representative coastal boardwalks whereas Grizzly Peak is designed around California’s esteemed national parks. Hollywood Land, A Bug’s Land, and Cars Land are additional districts, each with their own individually appealing cultural representations.
The Disneyland Resort is connected to metro bus lines throughout Los Angeles County as well as routes within the OCTA system. Additionally, the Anaheim Resort Transit Route links the Greyhound Station to the theme park. Parking garages are available on site for personal vehicles.
The initial vision for Disney California Adventure was developed in the late 1990s and opened in 2001, but did not draw as much of a crowd as anticipated. A massive redesign beginning in 2007 finally resulted in a tourism boom for the location.