Wedged between the East Tamar Highway and George Town Road, Newnham is a large suburb along the banks of the Tamar River to the north of Launceston’s CBD. In addition to its residential dwellings, it’s a major tertiary education hub as home to the University of Tasmania and Australian Maritime College, together with TasTAFE's Alanvale campus.
University Way separates the residential and educational sections of the suburb, with the University of Tasmania’s Faculty of Arts, School of Health Sciences, Tasmania Institute of Learning and Teaching, and English Language Centre clustered in the far south, together with the Riawunna Centre for Aboriginal Education. Kerslake Hall and the university gym lie further north, together with the School of Computing and Information Systems, Australian Maritime College and the university’s sporting fields. Newnham Creek meanders along the northern edge of the campus, connecting to the Mowbray Indoor Sport ‘n’ Skate park, as well as the Mowbray Golf Course to the east. University Way becomes George Town Road where TasTAFE is situated, while residential streets surround to the north and west, dotted with leafy parks and reserves.
Newnham’s residential area and its tertiary campuses are all well serviced by public buses from Launceston’s CBD and the surrounding suburbs. The campuses can easily be traversed on foot and are well equipped for those exploring on two wheels.
The Australian Maritime College was established in 1980 as Australia's national centre for maritime education, training and research, with its main campus at Newnham and another training facility at Beauty Point. It has since grown to include three national centres, which include studies in Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics, Ports and Shipping, and Marine Environment and Resource Sustainability.