Hotels in Akadimia Platonos, Athens
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Facts about staying in Akadimia Platonos, Athens
Find useful tips and insights about staying in Akadimia Platonos to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on March 28, 2025.
What are the best hotels in Akadimia Platonos?
One of the most popular hotels in Akadimia Platonos is Plato's Academy Home, which has been reviewed by 396 users and currently has a rating of 9.2/10. Other top-rated locations include Platos Academy Apartment and Bmv Apartments, which have received 8.6/10 and 9.4/10 ratings from our users, respectively.
What is a good hotel near Acropolis?
Reviews of The Stanley recommend it as a good place to stay near Acropolis, scoring 8.4/10 from 8,294 ratings.
What is a good hotel in Akadimia Platonos near Syntagma Square?
The Stanley is the hotel close to Syntagma Square that is most recommended by HotelsCombined users, with 8,294 reviews rating it at 8.4/10.
Is there a good hotel near Monastiraki?
If you’re looking for good hotels near Monastiraki, consider The Stanley (rated 8.4 over 8,294 reviews).
How much is a cheap hotel in Akadimia Platonos?
$96 per night is the cheapest Akadimia Platonos hotel price found in our data from the last 72 hours.
What are the most popular landmarks to visit in Akadimia Platonos?
The most popular landmarks in Akadimia Platonos are Acropolis (in Athens), Syntagma Square (in Athens), and Monastiraki (in Athens) according to our user data. If you plan to visit either of these, we recommend finding a hotel nearby to cut down on travel time.