Famed for its red-brick facade, Tokyo Railway Station lies in Chiyoda City in the heart of the Japanese capital. It’s the busiest station in the country and is served by high-speed Shinkansen services, as well as Japan Railways commuter lines and the Tokyo Metro network.
Admire the beautifully restored building on the Marunouchi side of Tokyo Railway Station, with its red-brick architecture juxtaposed against the glass and steel of the surrounding skyscrapers. The station provides easy access to the commercial districts of Ginza and Nihonbashi, as well as the museums and gardens of the Imperial Palace.
In addition to being a transport hub, Tokyo Railway Station is a shopping destination and home to one of the largest underground malls in Japan, Yaesu Chikagai. You can pick up an “ekiben” lunchbox at one of the food outlets of GRANSTA or immerse yourself in manga, anime and “kawaii” culture on Tokyo Character Street.
Getting there
Tokyo Railway Station is a one-hour train ride from Narita International Airport and 35 minutes from Haneda Airport. High-speed Shinkansen services connect to Tokyo Railway Station from destinations across Japan while the Tokyo Metro travels to subway stations throughout the city.