Spanning the coasts of Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture and Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Bay is an impressive expanse that meets the Pacific Ocean. Originally called Edo Bay, it’s a popular stop-off point for cruise ships thanks to the numerous ports, including the Port of Yokohama, Port of Chiba and Port of Tokyo.
Tokyo Bay is overlooked by a variety of iconic attractions and landmarks around the Tokyo region, including the popular Tokyo DisneySea theme park resort and peaceful Wakasu Seaside Park. As you make your way around the shoreline you’ll discover more seaside parks, a waterside baseball park and the Futtsu Misaki lookout point.
You can capture incredible views of Tokyo Bay from other areas as well, such as Mikasa Park and from the top of Kannonyama or Mount Nokogiri. Want a more up-close experience with the bay? Organise a leisurely sightseeing cruise from one of the surrounding cities, such as Tokyo, Yokohama or Chiba.
Getting there
Tokyo Bay is a prominent natural attraction easily reached from Tokyo, Kawasaki, Yokohama and Chiba via the country’s reliable bus and train systems. You can also explore the bay by organise a sightseeing cruise.