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About Playas de Tijuana

Hotels in Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana

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Playas de Tijuana - Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Apr 1 — Apr 22
...and more

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Travel insights for hotels in Playas de Tijuana

Use our HotelsCombined data-powered tips to help you find your next hotel in Playas de Tijuana.

What is the cheapest month to book a hotel in Playas de Tijuana?

The cheapest month to book a hotel in Playas de Tijuana is June ($35). Conversely, the most expensive month to stay in Playas de Tijuana is September ($299).

What is the cheapest day to stay in a hotel in Playas de Tijuana?

The cheapest day to stay in Playas de Tijuana is Wednesday ($53). On the other hand, travelers can expect to pay the most on Friday, when the average nightly price is $366.

Cheapest hotels in Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana

Discover affordable stays in Playas de Tijuana that provide a quality experience without breaking the bank. Hotels in Playas de Tijuana can be found for as low as $49 per night. There is currently one property in Playas de Tijuana that can be booked for this price. Suites del Sol is one of the hotels that can be booked for the lowest price in Playas de Tijuana. Price data was last updated on March 25, 2025
Out of the hotels in Playas de Tijuana we've come across, these properties are priced the lowest. If you have flexibility with arrival and departure, use the search form to compare prices for other dates.
Show all 117 hotels
1 Heraclio Bernal Soler, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
2.5 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Carretera Escenica Tijuana-Ensenada 820, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
2.4 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Calle Martin Careaga 1888, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
2.7 mi from city centre
Airport shuttle
Avg. per night
Playas de Tijuana Sección Monumental, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
5.4 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Av. Del Agua 156, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
5.4 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Air Conditioning
Airport shuttle
Avg. per night
116 Paseo Playas de Tijuana Terrazas, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
5.0 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Hotel prices {1,plural,=1{near Playas de Tijuana}=2{in Playas de Tijuana, {2}}other{in Playas de Tijuana}}

Get a sense of the average price and most popular properties to stay in Playas de Tijuana to help you budget for your trip accordingly. Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” badge are the most popular hotels in Playas de Tijuana at attractive prices. Price data was last updated on March 25, 2025.
Some of the best options for booking a hotel in Playas de Tijuana categorized by hotel class. We've highlighted the most popular properties according to our users as well as the best value within each hotel class.
3 stars
Calle Martin Careaga 1888, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Av. Del Agua 156, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Playas de Tijuana Sección Monumental, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
116 Paseo Playas de Tijuana Terrazas, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
1 Heraclio Bernal Soler, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
2 stars and under
Carretera Escenica Tijuana-Ensenada 820, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Where to stay {1,plural,=1{near Playas de Tijuana}=2{in Playas de Tijuana, {2}}other{in Playas de Tijuana}}

Explore different neighborhoods and areas within Playas de Tijuana to find the perfect location for your stay. Map data was last updated on March 25, 2025.
Scroll to and zoom in on the areas in Playas de Tijuana you plan on visiting to find nearby properties. Users can click on a hotel's name to find more information about it, such as price, reviews, and amenities, and also find different deals for the property.

About Playas de Tijuana

Located where the Pacific Ocean meets the Mexico and US border, Playas de Tijuana is a beachside neighborhood in the city of Tijuana. It’s a popular weekend destination for locals who come to relax on the sand, offering a range of laid-back restaurants and recreational facilities.

At the northern end of Playas de Tijuana lies the aptly-named “Bullring by the Sea” where traditional bullfights and boxing matches are held. Officially known as the Plaza Monumental de Tijuana, it can host up to 21,000 people and plays a central role in the cultural life of the city.

Beachfront restaurants line the area as you walk south towards the wooden boardwalk of Paseo Coronado. Discover the colorfully painted “Mural Esta Es Mi Tierra” that depicts ocean-inspired scenes and local history.

Paseo Ensenada runs through the heart of Playas de Tijuana where the Parroquia Santa María Estrella del Mar church is found. The street extends to the family-friendly Plaza Coronado where you’ll find a gaming arcade and multiple cinemas, as well as an extensive range of shops.

Getting there

Playas de Tijuana is situated around 40 minutes’ drive west of Tijuana International Airport. It is connected to the city center by regular buses and the beach area is easy to explore on foot.

Facts about staying in Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana

Find useful tips and insights about staying in Playas de Tijuana to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on March 25, 2025.
  • What are the best hotels in Playas de Tijuana?

    Hotel Jatay is a very popular hotel in Playas de Tijuana with a score of 8.7 from 436 reviews. Del Mar Inn Playas (8.4 from 533 reviews) and soler 18 (8.9 from 55 reviews) are also highly rated Playas de Tijuana hotels based on recent feedback from HotelsCombined users.

  • What is a good hotel near Centro Cultural Tijuana?

    Hotel Velario is a hotel near Centro Cultural Tijuana that is popular with HotelsCombined users, scoring 8.1 across 1,046 reviews.

  • What is a good hotel in Playas de Tijuana near Avenida Revolución?

    Hotel Velario is a hotel near Avenida Revolución that is popular with HotelsCombined users, scoring 8.1 from 1,046 reviews.

  • Is there a good hotel near Plaza Rio Tijuana?

    1,622 HotelsCombined reviews of Grand Hotel Tijuana score it 8.8/10, making it a highly recommended hotel near Plaza Rio Tijuana.

  • How much is a cheap hotel in Playas de Tijuana?

    Prices for Playas de Tijuana hotels have been found for as low as $53/night over the last 3 days.

  • What are the most popular landmarks to visit in Playas de Tijuana?

    The most popular landmark in Playas de Tijuana is Centro Cultural Tijuana located in Tijuana, followed by Avenida Revolución and Plaza Rio Tijuana, located in Tijuana and Tijuana, respectively. Depending on where and how long you plan on staying in Playas de Tijuana, you may be able to visit at least one of these cities.

See more FAQs

Find better results for your stay in Playas de Tijuana

Consider these popular 3-star hotels in Playas de Tijuana

Stay at one of these Playas de Tijuana 3-star hotels that users have found on HotelsCombined.