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About Kurume

Hotels in Kurume

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Kurume, Japan
avr. 2 — avr. 32
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Travel insights for hotels in Kurume

Use our HotelsCombined data-powered tips to help you find your next hotel in Kurume.

What is the cheapest month to book a hotel in Kurume?

The cheapest month to book a hotel in Kurume is April ($35). Conversely, the most expensive month to stay in Kurume is November ($188).

What is the cheapest day to stay in a hotel in Kurume?

The cheapest day to stay in Kurume is Sunday ($62). On the other hand, travelers can expect to pay the most on Friday, when the average nightly price is $188.

How much is a hotel in Kurume tonight?

Users have found prices for hotels in Kurume tonight starting as low as $29, rising to an average cost of $75, based on searches in the last 72 hours. Prices start from $740 for a 4-star hotel in Kurume for tonight.

How far ahead should you book a hotel in Kurume?

Save money by booking a hotel at least 48 days before your trip to Kurume. The lowest price found when booking 48 days ahead was $28 per night.

Cheapest hotels in Kurume, Japan

Discover affordable stays in Kurume that provide a quality experience without breaking the bank. Hotels in Kurume can be found for as low as $30 per night. There is currently one property in Kurume that can be booked for this price. Highness Hotel Kurume is one of the hotels that can be booked for the lowest price in Kurume. Price data was last updated on mars 26, 2025
At the moment, these hotels offer the lowest nightly rate out of those we've come across in Kurume. Consider alternative dates if you're able to compare prices.
Show all 63 hotels
1-6 Tenjin-Machi, Kurume-Shi, Kurume, Japan
1.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
38-13 Higashimachi, Kurume, Japan
1.7 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
34-2 Higashi-machi, Kurume, Japan
1.7 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Mutsumonmachi 16-1, Kurume, Japan
1.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
3-4-1 Miihatazaki, Kurume, Japan
3.0 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
3-93-4, Tenjim-Machi, Kurume, Japan
1.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Higashi-cho 339, Kurume, Japan
1.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
2-14 Chuomachi, Kurume, Japan
1.4 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
17-30 Mutsumon-Machi, Kurume, Kurume, Japan
1.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Hotel prices in Kurume

Get a sense of the average price and most popular properties to stay in Kurume to help you budget for your trip accordingly. Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” badge are the most popular hotels in Kurume at attractive prices. Price data was last updated on mars 26, 2025.
Some of the best options for booking a hotel in Kurume categorized by hotel class. We've highlighted the most popular properties according to our users as well as the best value within each hotel class.
3 stars
2-14 Chuomachi, Kurume, Japan
1-6 Tenjin-Machi, Kurume-Shi, Kurume, Japan
2 stars and under
17-30 Mutsumon-Machi, Kurume, Kurume, Japan

Where to stay in Kurume

Explore different neighborhoods and areas within Kurume to find the perfect location for your stay. Map data was last updated on mars 26, 2025.
Navigate to the areas in Kurume you plan to visit to find hotels that are close by. As an added benefit, users can click a hotel they're interesting in to find helpful information and deals for that hotel.

About Kurume

Overlooking the Chikugo River in the north of Kyushu, Kurume is a picturesque city topped by a towering Kannon statue. It’s home to an active Buddhist training temple and an excellent art museum and is near the Yoshinogari Historical Park.

Things to do in Kurume

Explore the Ishibashi Cultural Center, which includes the Ishibashi Cultural Hall where regular concerts are held and the Ishibashi Museum of Art. Admire works by renowned local artists Aoki Shigeru and Koga Harue, explore the former art studio of Sakamoto Hanjiro, then wander through the Japanese garden and seasonal displays of roses and camellias.

A short drive west of Kurume is the Yoshinogari Historical Park, a large Yayoi archaeological site believed to date back to 400 BC. Wander through the remains of its precincts and view the ancient Yayoi houses being reconstructed, then admire excavated bronze mirrors, coins and iron tools.

You can’t miss Kurume’s giant Jibo Kannon, a 62-metre-tall concrete statue located within the grounds of the Naritasan Temple. Climb the stairs to the top of its whitewashed design to take in the panoramic views of the city and its surrounding landscapes.

Another temple not to miss is Barin-ji, which is nestled on a hill beside the Chikugo River. Dating back to the 17th century, it’s an active training school for monks in the Myoshin-ji school of Rinzai Zen Buddhism and also features a zen garden and orchard of colourful plum trees.

Getting around Kurume

Kurume is around 40 minutes by train from Fukuoka or 50 minutes’ drive from Fukuoka Airport. It’s an easy city to navigate on foot or by bicycle, with buses accessing the surrounding sights.

Facts about staying in Kurume

Find useful tips and insights about staying in Kurume to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on mars 26, 2025.
  • What are the best hotels in Kurume?

    Hostel ilfaro Kurume (7.9/10 from 715 reviews), Green Rich Hotel Kurume (8.3/10 from 1,244 reviews), and Toyoko Inn Nishitetsu Kurume eki Higashi guchi (7.6/10 from 349 reviews) are all highly rated places to stay in Kurume.

  • What is a good hotel near Nishitetsu Kurume Train Station?

    Hostel ilfaro Kurume is a popular hotel near Nishitetsu Kurume Train Station that is highly recommended, with a score of 7.9 across 715 reviews.

  • What is a good hotel in Kurume near Kurume Bird Center?

    Hostel ilfaro Kurume is the most recommended hotel near Kurume Bird Center on HotelsCombined (scoring 7.9 over 715 reviews).

  • Is there a good hotel near Kurume Railway Station?

    A good hotel near Kurume Railway Station is Hostel ilfaro Kurume, which has been rated 7.9/10 by 715 HotelsCombined user reviews.

  • What are some other cities to stay in when visiting Fukuoka Prefecture?

    In addition to Kurume, travelers opt to visit Fukuoka when visiting Fukuoka Prefecture. Kitakyushu is also a popular choice to visit.

  • How many hotels are there in Kurume?

    In total, there are 63 hotels to choose from in Kurume, compared to 2,569 properties in Fukuoka Prefecture.

  • What are the most popular landmarks to visit in Kurume?

    There’s so much to see and do in Kurume, but we’ve found that the most popular landmarks are Nishitetsu Kurume Train Station, Kurume Bird Center, and Kurume Railway Station. You’ll want to stay in Kurume to visit Nishitetsu Kurume Train Station, Kurume to visit Kurume Bird Center, and Kurume to visit Kurume Railway Station.

See more FAQs

Find better results for your stay in Kurume

Consider these popular 3-star hotels in Kurume

Stay at one of these Kurume 3-star hotels that users have found on HotelsCombined.