
Ithaca 5-star Hotels

Compare rates for 5-star hotels in Ithaca, NY from hundreds of popular travel sites.

Ithaca, United States
déc. 25 — déc. 262
...and more

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Tips for booking 5-star hotels in Ithaca

Get useful insight on when to book a 5-star hotel in Ithaca. Price data is based on averages over the past 12 months and was last updated on décembre 18, 2024.
Cheapest month:January
Most expensive month:May
Average price in Ithaca:$204/night
Cheapest price found:$31/night
Cheapest day:Monday
Most expensive day:Saturday
$122 - $442
Average price per night / 5-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
$132 - $233
Average price per night / 5-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Other star-rated hotels in Ithaca

Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” have the most attractive prices based on their popularity. Price data was last updated on décembre 18, 2024.
Not set on a 5-star hotel? We’ve got plenty of other options for you to choose from. These are the most popular and best value properties in Ithaca based on hotel class.
4 stars
408 East State Street, Ithaca, NY, United States
324 East State Street, Ithaca, NY, United States
2 stars and under
337 Elmira Road, Ithaca, NY, United States
1083 Dryden Rd (Route 366), Ithaca, NY, United States
2303 North Triphammer Road, Ithaca, NY, United States
529 South Meadow Street, Ithaca, NY, United States

Facts about 5-star hotels in Ithaca

Find useful tips and insights about 5-star hotels in Ithaca to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on décembre 18, 2024.
  • How much does a 5-star hotel in Ithaca cost?

    A 5-star hotel in Ithaca generally starts at $124 per night, with an average price of about $159.

  • What is the cheapest 5-star hotel in Ithaca?

    New Park Venue & Suites is the cheapest 5-star hotel in Ithaca, where prices start as low as $125 per night.

  • What is the best 5-star hotel in Ithaca?

    With a user review rating of 9.2, New Park Venue & Suites is one of the best 5-star hotels in Ithaca. You can book a room at New Park Venue & Suites for around $162/night on average.

  • What month is cheapest to stay in a 5-star hotel in Ithaca?

    If you're looking to save on accommodations in Ithaca, March is the least expensive month for 5-star hotels, with an average nightly price of $144.

See more FAQs

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