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About Nogales

Hotels in Nogales

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Nogales, Mexico
Apr 2 — Apr 32
...and more

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Travel insights for hotels in Nogales

Use our HotelsCombined data-powered tips to help you find your next hotel in Nogales.

What is the cheapest month to book a hotel in Nogales?

The cheapest month to book a hotel in Nogales is September ($72). Conversely, the most expensive month to stay in Nogales is May ($122).

What is the cheapest day to stay in a hotel in Nogales?

The cheapest day to stay in Nogales is Thursday ($86). On the other hand, travelers can expect to pay the most on Saturday, when the average nightly price is $115.

Cheapest hotels in Nogales, Mexico

Discover affordable stays in Nogales that provide a quality experience without breaking the bank. Hotels in Nogales can be found for as low as $87 per night. There is currently one property in Nogales that can be booked for this price. Hotel Marques De Cima is one of the hotels that can be booked for the lowest price in Nogales. Price data was last updated on March 26, 2025
For those on a budget, these are the cheapest hotels available in Nogales for the selected dates. Prices will typically fluctuate depending on the dates selected, star rating of hotel, and hotel location.
Show all 23 hotels
Av. Alvaro Obregon # 2024, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
0.3 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Prolongacion Alvaro Obregon #4200, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
2.9 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Campillo 91, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
2.2 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Calzada Ind Nuevo Nogales 3, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
3.2 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Boulevard El Greco 45, Calle Arcadias, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
0.8 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Hotel prices in Nogales

Get a sense of the average price and most popular properties to stay in Nogales to help you budget for your trip accordingly. Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” badge are the most popular hotels in Nogales at attractive prices. Price data was last updated on March 26, 2025.
Hotels located in the Nogales area sorted by price and hotel class. Change the dates at the top of the page to see more options in Nogales.
3 stars
Calzada Ind Nuevo Nogales 3, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
Boulevard El Greco 45, Calle Arcadias, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
Prolongacion Alvaro Obregon #4200, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico
2 stars and under
Av. Alvaro Obregon # 2024, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico

Where to stay in Nogales

Explore different neighborhoods and areas within Nogales to find the perfect location for your stay. Map data was last updated on March 26, 2025.
Utilize the map to find properties close to the Nogales area(s) or attractions you plan on visiting. Users can click on a hotel's name to find more information about it, such as price, reviews, and amenities, and also find different deals for the property.

About Nogales

Heroica Nogales is a lively border town where you can shop for colourful souvenirs, sip margaritas and enjoy delicious Mexican food. The town is set on the Arizona border and is an excellent base for transitioning between Mexico and the United States.

Things to do in Nogales

The streets of Heroica Nogales are lined with shops selling brightly-coloured ceramics, woven rugs and hand-blown glass homewares. Many shops are within walking distance of the border checkpoint, making it easy to leave your car in the United States and explore Heroica Nogales on foot.

Feeling hungry? Restaurants in Heroica Nogales serve classic Mexican dishes such as fried “chilaquiles” corn tortillas and zesty “pozole” stew topped with shredded lettuce, avocado and a squeeze of lime.

You’ll also see Sonoran specialties like slow cook braised beef burritos, “cahuamanta” seafood soup and ”gordita” pasties stuffed with cheese and meat. Wash down your meal with a shot of tequila or a refreshing margarita.

Getting around Nogales

Heroica Nogales is compact and easy to get around on foot while taxis are a fast and comfortable way to get from A to B. Parking is available throughout the town, and you can park on the Arizona side of the border and walk through the border checkpoint. General Ignacio Pesqueira García International Airport in Hermosillo is a 3.5-hour drive south.

Facts about staying in Nogales

Find useful tips and insights about staying in Nogales to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on March 26, 2025.
  • What are the best hotels in Nogales?

    Fiesta Inn Nogales (7.9/10 from 384 reviews), City Express by Marriott Nogales (8.4/10 from 759 reviews), and Hotel Marques De Cima (8.2/10 from 207 reviews) are all highly rated places to stay in Nogales.

  • What is a good hotel near Nogales Mall?

    Reviews of Hotel Marques De Cima recommend it as a good place to stay near Nogales Mall, scoring 8.2/10 from 207 ratings.

  • What are some other cities to stay in when visiting Sonora?

    In addition to Nogales, travelers opt to visit San Carlos when visiting Sonora. Hermosillo is also a popular choice to visit.

  • How many hotels are there in Nogales?

    In total, there are 23 hotels to choose from in Nogales, compared to 3,803 properties in Sonora.

See more FAQs

Find better results for your stay in Nogales

Consider these popular 3-star hotels in Nogales

Stay at one of these Nogales 3-star hotels that users have found on HotelsCombined.