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Hotels in Gongju

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Gongju, South Korea
Apr 4 — Apr 52
...and more

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Travel insights for hotels in Gongju

Use our HotelsCombined data-powered tips to help you find your next hotel in Gongju.

What is the cheapest month to book a hotel in Gongju?

The cheapest month to book a hotel in Gongju is March ($25). Conversely, the most expensive month to stay in Gongju is September ($105).

What is the cheapest day to stay in a hotel in Gongju?

The cheapest day to stay in Gongju is Thursday ($25). On the other hand, travelers can expect to pay the most on Saturday, when the average nightly price is $103.

How far ahead should you book a hotel in Gongju?

Save money by booking a hotel at least 60 days before your trip to Gongju. The lowest price found when booking 60 days ahead was $29 per night.

Cheapest hotels in Gongju, South Korea

Discover affordable stays in Gongju that provide a quality experience without breaking the bank. Hotels in Gongju can be found for as low as $31 per night. There is currently one property in Gongju that can be booked for this price. Bali Motel is one of the hotels that can be booked for the lowest price in Gongju. Price data was last updated on March 28, 2025
Out of the hotels in Gongju we've come across, these properties are priced the lowest. If you have flexibility with arrival and departure, use the search form to compare prices for other dates.
Show all 138 hotels
32-23, Imgeumbong-gil, Gongju, South Korea
9.4 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Air Conditioning
Avg. per night
16-1, Jeonmak 2-gil, Gongju, South Korea
1.1 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Air Conditioning
Avg. per night
10-10, Jeonmak 2-gil, Gongju, South Korea
1.0 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Hotel prices in Gongju

Get a sense of the average price and most popular properties to stay in Gongju to help you budget for your trip accordingly. Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” badge are the most popular hotels in Gongju at attractive prices. Price data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
An overview of the average price of hotels by hotel class in the Gongju. Change the dates at the top of the page to see more options in Gongju.
3 stars
16-1, Jeonmak 2-gil, Gongju, South Korea
2 stars and under
10-10, Jeonmak 2-gil, Gongju, South Korea
32-23, Imgeumbong-gil, Gongju, South Korea

Where to stay in Gongju

Explore different neighborhoods and areas within Gongju to find the perfect location for your stay. Map data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Scroll to and zoom in on the areas in Gongju you plan on visiting to find nearby properties. Clicking a property's name will unlock more information and allow you to book that particular hotel.

About Gongju

The former capital of the Baekje Kingdom, Gongju is a historically-rich city watched over by the Gongsan Fortress. It’s home to excellent museums and fascinating archaeological sites, as well as a charismatic 7th-century temple.

Things to do in Gongju

No visit to Gongju is complete without exploring the 1,500-year-old mountaintop fortress of Gongsan that served as the site of the ancient Baekje Royal Palace. Explore the small Yeongeunsa Temple that was built during King Sejo’s reign while soaking up the magnificent views of the Geumgang River.

Make a day trip to the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Songsan-ri Burial Mounds, a series of seven Baekje-era tombs discovered during the Japanese occupation. Admire the fire-breathing dragon painted on one of the tombs, as well as a full-scale replica of King Muryeong’s tomb.

Learn about the ancient cultures of South Chungcheong at the Gongju National Museum, just north of King Muryeong’s tomb. In addition to housing numerous National Treasures, it features 6th-century swords and jewellery crafted from metal and gold uncovered from King Muryeong’s tomb.

Explore the atmospheric halls, pagodas and pavilions of Magok-sa, a 7th-century Buddhist temple nestled on the slopes of Taehwasan mountain. Wander across the “mind-washing bridge” to admire the beautiful calligraphy of the Main Buddha Hall, then follow one of the hiking trails past small hermitages through the surrounding hills.

Getting around Gongju

Gongju is around 1.5 hours by train from the centre of Seoul and three hours from Incheon International Airport. Gongju is connected to surrounding cities and towns by regular buses, while most of its attractions are easily accessible on foot or bicycle.

Facts about staying in Gongju

Find useful tips and insights about staying in Gongju to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on March 28, 2025.
  • What are the best hotels in Gongju?

    Black Pearl Gongju (7.6/10 from 35 reviews), Gongju Ink Hotel (8.0/10 from 247 reviews), and Gongju No 25 Hotel (8.4/10 from 123 reviews) are all highly rated places to stay in Gongju.

  • What is a good hotel near Gongsanseong?

    A good hotel close to Gongsanseong is Gongju Ink Hotel (rated 8.0/10 from 247 reviews).

  • How much is a cheap hotel in Gongju?

    HotelsCombined searches in the last 3 days suggest cheap Gongju hotels have prices starting from as low as $20/night, depending on the popularity of your requested dates. The popularity of your requested dates can significantly affect prices. For the upcoming weekend of Apr 4 to Apr 6, Gongju hotel prices start from $22/night.

  • What are some other cities to stay in when visiting Chungcheongnam-do?

    In addition to Gongju, travelers opt to visit Cheonan when visiting Chungcheongnam-do. Yesan is also a popular choice to visit.

  • How many hotels are there in Gongju?

    In total, there are 138 hotels to choose from in Gongju, compared to 2,240 properties in Chungcheongnam-do.

See more FAQs

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