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Hotels in Cobh

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Cobh, Ireland
Apr 1 — Apr 22
...and more

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Travel insights for hotels in Cobh

Use our HotelsCombined data-powered tips to help you find your next hotel in Cobh.

What is the cheapest month to book a hotel in Cobh?

The cheapest month to book a hotel in Cobh is November ($122). Conversely, the most expensive month to stay in Cobh is October ($192).

What is the cheapest day to stay in a hotel in Cobh?

The cheapest day to stay in Cobh is Monday ($121). On the other hand, travelers can expect to pay the most on Saturday, when the average nightly price is $202.

How much is a hotel in Cobh tonight?

Users have found prices for hotels in Cobh tonight starting as low as $107, rising to an average cost of $145, based on searches in the last 72 hours. Prices start from $130 for a 4-star hotel in Cobh for tonight.

How much is a Cobh hotel room this weekend?

In the past 72 hours, we’ve seen prices for hotels in Cobh this weekend for as little as $119/night. If you’re specifically looking for a 3-star hotel this weekend, our users have found prices as low as $119/night. For a 4-star hotel in Cobh, the cheapest rate recently found was $138/night for this weekend.

Cheapest hotels in Cobh, Ireland

Discover affordable stays in Cobh that provide a quality experience without breaking the bank. Hotels in Cobh can be found for as low as $117 per night. There is currently one property in Cobh that can be booked for this price. Commodore Hotel is one of the hotels that can be booked for the lowest price in Cobh. Price data was last updated on March 25, 2025
These Cobh properties charge the lowest price per night of those we've come across. If you have flexibility with arrival and departure, use the search form to compare prices for other dates.
Show all 44 hotels
Westbourne Place, Cobh, Ireland
0.1 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Yacht Club Quay, Cobh, Ireland
0.1 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Bishop's Road, Spy Hill, Cobh, Ireland
0.1 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night
Lake Road, Rushbrooke, Cobh, Ireland
0.7 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Hotel prices in Cobh

Get a sense of the average price and most popular properties to stay in Cobh to help you budget for your trip accordingly. Hotels that are booked the most in each class receive the “Most popular” badge. Hotels with the “Best value” badge are the most popular hotels in Cobh at attractive prices. Price data was last updated on March 25, 2025.
Prices on hotels (average nightly rate) for the dates selected, broken down by hotel class. As an added layer, we've also marked the most popular and best value properties in each hotel class.
4 stars +
Lake Road, Rushbrooke, Cobh, Ireland
3 stars
Yacht Club Quay, Cobh, Ireland
Westbourne Place, Cobh, Ireland

Where to stay in Cobh

Explore different neighborhoods and areas within Cobh to find the perfect location for your stay. Map data was last updated on March 25, 2025.
Utilize the map to find properties close to the Cobh area(s) or attractions you plan on visiting. Users can click on a hotel's name to find more information about it, such as price, reviews, and amenities, and also find different deals for the property.

About Cobh

Hugging the south coast of Great Island, Cobh is a historic seaport in Cork Harbour. It was previously known as “Ballyvoloon” and “Queenstown” before being renamed “Cobh” during the Irish War of Independence. In addition to being an important shipbuilding hub, it was a major embarkation point for convicts being deported abroad.

Things to do in Cobh

Learn about Cobh’s links to the Titanic at the Cobh Heritage Centre, which details the town’s role as a departure point for Irish emigrants and convicts from the 17th century. Learn how the Great Famine impacted the area and hear about the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, an ocean liner torpedoed by a German U-boat during World War I.

Housed within the former ticket office of the White Star Line is the Titanic Experience Cobh, which is dedicated to the legendary ship and its sinking. On a guided tour, you can hear stories from some of the 123 passengers who embarked the Titanic in Cobh, only to encounter one of the world’s worst maritime disasters four days later. In addition to multimedia presentations, cabin reconstructions help to bring the event to life.

A short drive north of Cobh is the Fota Wildlife Park, a 40-hectare sanctuary home to around 30 different mammals and 50 bird species. In addition to getting up close to giraffes, cheetahs and bison, you can observe red pandas, siamang gibbons and Sumatran tigers. Surrounding “Monkey Island” are wetlands that provide habitat for great white pelicans and Chilean flamingos.

Getting around Cobh

Cobh is around 25 minutes’ drive from the centre of Cork and Cork Airport, which has flights to destinations across Europe. Regular trains connect to the Cobh railway station and buses travel throughout the town. The centre of Cobh is compact enough to explore on foot.

Facts about staying in Cobh

Find useful tips and insights about staying in Cobh to help you make the most of your experience. FAQs were last updated on March 25, 2025.
  • What are the best hotels in Cobh?

    Commodore Hotel is a very popular hotel in Cobh with a score of 8.3 from 2,133 reviews. Watersedge Hotel (8.6 from 2,063 reviews) and Robin Hill House (8.8 from 823 reviews) are also highly rated Cobh hotels based on recent feedback from HotelsCombined users.

  • What is a good hotel near Port of Ringaskiddy?

    Oakhurst Guesthouse is a good hotel close to Port of Ringaskiddy - it has scored 9.8 over 212 reviews from HotelsCombined users.

  • What is a good hotel in Cobh near Spike Island?

    Commodore Hotel is rated 8.3 from 2,133 reviews and is close to Spike Island.

  • How much is a cheap hotel in Cobh?

    Prices for Cobh hotels have been found for as low as $116/night over the last 3 days.

  • Are there any hotels in Cobh close to Cork?

    The closest hotel to Cork is Knockeven House, which is located 1.0 mi away from the city center.

  • What are some other cities to stay in when visiting Cork?

    In addition to Cobh, travelers opt to visit Cork when visiting Cork. Kinsale is also a popular choice to visit.

  • How many hotels are there in Cobh?

    In total, there are 44 hotels to choose from in Cobh, compared to 1,309 properties in Cork.

See more FAQs

Find better results for your stay in Cobh

Consider these popular 3-star hotels in Cobh

Stay at one of these Cobh 3-star hotels that users have found on HotelsCombined.