preloadfemale tourist with mobile phone

Do you dream of reaching the farthest corners of the globe? You’re not alone. Most of us love the thrill and limitless discoveries of travel, and with the easy access of travel media you can live vicariously through intrepid travellers while inspiring our own long-awaited adventures. The next time you’re planning an overseas jaunt or just want to escape for a moment, seek out these popular travel media outlets to intensify your wanderlust.

1. Instagram

Used by like-minded global adventurers, Instagram reveals mesmerising images and videos of far-off worlds just by swiping your finger up. You can easily discover new and unimaginable corners of the globe, along with familiar sights showcased in ways you never thought possible.

Instagram’s hashtags are also valuable, with customisable tags on travel posts allowing you to narrow your search and explore specific parts of the world. Notable hashtags for travellers include #wanderlust, #traveltheworld, #travel and #getaway. Get creative with your hashtag searches to discover new parts of the ever-increasing travel world.

2. Pinterest

Pinterest allows users to “pin” favourite photos and images from around the web. These pinned ideas are saved on users’ profiles and give you a one-stop shop for all your wanderlust needs. It’s so easy to pin travel opportunities of your choosing and to establish a “board” dedicated to new destinations for future exploration.

You can also share your pinned ideas with Pinterest and Facebook friends, so fellow adventurers can offer advice, share their own dreams and collaborate in your discovery process. Pinterest also inspires its users by showcasing images and descriptions of previously unknown destinations, travel tips and local insight.

3. Travel Websites

woman using smart phone
Photo| Woman using smart phone| SHUTTERSTOCK – KITE_RIN

No matter the destination, there’s always a travel website capable of inspiring your wanderlust. Trip101 presents top destinations for food, nightlife, sightseeing and adventure, so you can combine you daydreaming with expert knowledge on world-class cuisine, accommodation and must-do attractions.

User-based travel feedback on popular websites like Yelp provide personal and experienced information on almost any travel destination. These reviews by active travellers also offer valuable authenticity and the opportunity to ask questions. Today’s focus on sharing travel information digitally makes planning your holiday easier than ever before, given the sheer number of tips, inspiration and experiences out there.

4. Travel Blogs

travel blog on beach
Photo| Travel blog on beach| SHUTTERSTOCK – KASPARS GRINVALDS

Modern travellers are now abandoning desk jobs in favour of whatever lies beyond the next horizon. As a result, travel blogs are spreading across the internet, courtesy of travellers sharing their adventures with the world. From those who specialise in a particular region to those seeking out as many destinations as possible, travel bloggers offer detailed and authentic information. Take advantage of their expertise and intrepidness to discover your dream destinations and places you haven’t yet heard about.

5. Events

Photo| Oktoberfest in Munich| GETTYIMAGES – GARY CRALLE

Take your wanderlust into your own hands and discover events that pique your interest. You can attend a large-scale music festival close to home or travel abroad and discover the joys of world-renowned events, such as Oktoberfest. Conferences, festivals, gatherings and fairs are constantly held around the globe, so find an event that matches your respective travel interests and you’ll likely discover a new and unforgettable place as well.

6. Magazines

Cropped Hand Of Person Holding Magazine On Table
Photo| Person holding magazine| GETTYIMAGES – NEDNAPA CHUMJUMPA

Despite the modern digital age, travel magazines still provide useful travel ideas and gorgeous photography. Check out the professional photos that decorate the pages of National Geographic, which is renowned for publishing iconic images and articles on known and new destinations.

Get to know Lonely Planet, the largest publisher of travel guides in the world. Its extensive library covers almost every destination and is supported by a thriving online community called “Thorn Tree”. Here experienced travellers answer an array of travel-related inquiries on forums. Lonely Planet also publishes a magazine and has moderated multiple television series, providing a truly unrivalled perspective on all things travel.

At Your Fingertips

With a portfolio of travel resources at your fingertips there’s no excuse for neglecting your wanderlust. From the National Geographic and online forums of Thorn Tree to photogenic Instagram posts and spot-on travel recommendations from Trip101, you can easily find an authentic first taste of your dream destination and start making it a reality.