Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
1700 Canyon Road, Ellensburg, WA, United States
Cheapest rate
rate per night
Best deals for Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
Explore the most appealing deals available for Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on March 10, 2025.
About Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Good to Know
Check-in time | 3:00 PM |
Check-out time | 11:00 AM |
Payment & Cancellation | Policies vary by room type and provider. |
Front desk number | +1 509 925 9800 |
Perks and amenities at Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
- Indoor pool
- Fitness center
- Restaurant
- Room service
- Free Wi-Fi
- Free parking
- Business center
- Flat-screen TV
- TV
- Cable or satellite TV
- ATM on-site
- Radio
- Increased accessibility
- Family rooms
- Linens
- Towels
- Fire extinguisher
- EV charging station
- Laundry facilities
- Flat-screen TV
- Free toiletries
- Shampoo
- Room service
- Smoke alarms
- Heating
- Shower
- Iron and ironing board
- Adapted bath
- Microwave
- Indoor pool
- Alarm clock
- Key card access
- Sofa bed
- No smoking
- Bathtub
- Restaurant
- Body soap
- Hairdryer
- Cable or satellite TV
- Telephone
- Carpeted
- Air-conditioned
- Refrigerator
- Toilet
- Trash cans
- TV
- Free parking
- Conditioner
- Desk
- Private bathroom
- 24hr front desk
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Canoeing
- Cycling
- Skiing
- Hunting
- Fitness center
- Horse riding
- Conference rooms
- Business center
- Daily housekeeping
- Fax/photocopying
- Meeting/Banquet facilities
- Mini-market on site
- Airport shuttle
Reviews for Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 856 reviews of Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg to date. Review data was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Pros +
- In the middle of remodeling. (in 1 review)
- "Friendly staff, and good breakfast" (in 92 reviews)
- room clean and spacious. (in 40 reviews)
Cons -
- they are still under construction. (in 24 reviews)
- The pool was absolutely terrifying! (in 39 reviews)
- "The hotel is under renovation, and it's currently awful--very shabby and drab." (in 16 reviews)
Photos of Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
View a collection of 30 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on March 10, 2025.
Hotels similar to Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
Discover other properties in Ellensburg that offer a similar experience and ambiance to Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg. In total, there are 42 hotels serving travelers in Ellensburg. Price data was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Hotels closest to Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg
These are the closest hotels within a 0.1 mi proximity to Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $125 vs. $86 for Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg. Data was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Cheap Ellensburg hotels
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travelers in Ellensburg. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Ellensburg is $59. The cheapest hotel is Econo Lodge Ellensburg Near University priced at $59. Price data was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Recommended hotels
These properties are recommended for travelers visiting Ellensburg. The average price of these properties is $150 per night. Price data was last updated on March 10, 2025 and sourced from 3 user searches.
Explore Ellensburg
Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center Ellensburg is located at 1700 Canyon Road in the neighborhood of Ellensburg. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on March 10, 2025.
Most Popular Landmarks
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Ellensburg Rodeo
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2.3 mi