M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

3 stars 

Kaj Vid Kungsholms Strand 133, Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden

ExcellentBased on 477 reviews


Cheapest rate

rate per night

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Provider for M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe
Provider for M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Best deals for M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Explore the most appealing deals available for M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on March 14, 2025.
Fri 3/21
Sat 3/22

About M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Discover essential information, amenities, and features of M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on March 14, 2025.
With a stay at Hotel M/S Monika, you'll be centrally located in Stockholm, within a 15-minute drive of Stockholm City Hall and Stockholm Palace. Featured amenities include complimentary newspapers in ...

Good to Know

Check-in time12:00 PM
Check-out time11:00 AM
Payment & CancellationPolicies vary by room type and provider.
Front desk number+46 812 092 100

Perks and amenities at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe
  • Room service
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Hairdryer
  • Non-smoking rooms available
  • Storage available


  • Room service
  • Non-smoking rooms available
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Hairdryer
  • Storage available

Reviews for M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 477 reviews of M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe to date. Review data was last updated on March 14, 2025.
Very goodBased on 477 verified guest reviews

Pros +
  • Metro stops are over 500m away. (in 1 review)
  • The staff was nice and super accommodating. (in 13 reviews)
  • Breakfast was very satisfying and plentiful. (in 21 reviews)
Cons -
  • Not far from metro station. (in 1 review)
  • It was noisy at night and either too hot or too cold. (in 3 reviews)

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Hotels similar to M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Discover other properties in Stockholm that offer a similar experience and ambiance to M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe. In total, there are 778 hotels serving travelers in Stockholm. Price data was last updated on March 14, 2025.

Explore Kungsholmen, Stockholm

M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is located at Kaj Vid Kungsholms Strand 133 in the Kungsholmen neighborhood of Stockholm. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on March 14, 2025.

Most Popular Landmarks


5 mins drive

1.3 mi

Adolf Fredriks kyrka

6 mins drive

1.6 mi


6 mins drive

1.8 mi


9 mins drive

2.4 mi

Kungliga slottet

9 mins drive

2.4 mi


5 mins drive

1.3 mi

Adolf Fredriks kyrka

6 mins drive

1.6 mi


6 mins drive

1.8 mi


9 mins drive

2.4 mi

Kungliga slottet

9 mins drive

2.4 mi

Rental Cars

$61 daily average

Closest Airports

Stockholm Bromma Airport

13 mins drive

4.7 mi

Stockholm Arlanda Airport

38 mins drive

25.3 mi

Stockholm Vasteras/Hasslo Airport

1 hr 19 mins drive

63.8 mi

Stockholm Skavsta Airport

1 hr 25 mins drive

65.1 mi

Stockholm Bromma Airport

13 mins drive

4.7 mi

Stockholm Arlanda Airport

38 mins drive

25.3 mi

Stockholm Vasteras/Hasslo Airport

1 hr 19 mins drive

63.8 mi

Stockholm Skavsta Airport

1 hr 25 mins drive

65.1 mi

  • How far is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe from Stockholms Centralstation?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is a good place to stay to see Stockholms Centralstation. It’s 1 mi away.

  • Is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe close to Oscarsteatern?

    Oscarsteatern is also a popular place to see in Stockholm. It is 0.8 mi from M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe.

FAQs when booking at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe

Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe. FAQs were last updated on March 14, 2025.
  • How close is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe to the nearest airport, Stockholm Bromma Airport?

    With no traffic, the 3.3 mi drive between M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe and Stockholm Bromma Airport (the nearest airport) will generally only take about 0h 06m. If you’re staying in a metropolitan area, you may see your drive time increase due to busy roads.

  • What is the best way for guests to get from Stockholm Bromma Airport to M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe?

    Taking a taxi or rideshare service from the nearest airport, Stockholm Bromma Airport, to your hotel is often the most cost effective transportation solution.

  • How close is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe from the Stockholm city center?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is just 0.7 mi away from the center of Vasastan, Stockholm. From M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe you can easily get to other popular landmarks such as Tele2 Arena.

  • What is the M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe phone number?

    For questions about M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe and your reservation, contact the front desk directly at +46 812 092 100.

  • Does M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe have Wi-Fi available?

    Yes, M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.

  • What is the check-out time at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe check-out time is 11:00 AM, though late check-out may be accommodated if agreed in advance with the hotel reception.

  • Does M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe have free breakfast?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe offers free breakfast with some rates. Confirm the details of your reservation to determine if your rate includes free breakfast.

  • What is the cheapest month to stay at M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe?

    For the best chance to save money on your M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe reservation, consider staying in January, when prices are typically at their lowest ($64).

  • In what area of Stockholm is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe located?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is located within the Kungsholmen area of Stockholm. Utilize the map on this page to understand where M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is in relation to the rest of Stockholm.

  • How far is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe from Stockholms Centralstation?

    M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe is a good place to stay to see Stockholms Centralstation. It’s 1 mi away.

  • Is M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe close to Oscarsteatern?

    Oscarsteatern is also a popular place to see in Stockholm. It is 0.8 mi from M/S Monika Hotel & Cafe.

See more FAQs
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