Los Milagros Hotel
Mariano Matamoros 3738, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Cheapest rate
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Best deals for Los Milagros Hotel
Explore the most appealing deals available for Los Milagros Hotel, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on March 28, 2025.
About Los Milagros Hotel
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Los Milagros Hotel, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Good to Know
Check-in time | 2:00 PM |
Check-out time | 11:00 AM |
Payment & Cancellation | Policies vary by room type and provider. |
Front desk number | +52 442 372 2414 |
Perks and amenities at Los Milagros Hotel
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Los Milagros Hotel
- Outdoor pool
- Free Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi available in all areas
- TV
- Cable or satellite TV
- Airport shuttle
- Internet
- Parking
- Laundry service
- Laundry facilities
- Non-smoking rooms available
- Terrace/Patio
- Parking
- Fan
- Cable or satellite TV
- Telephone
- Laundry facilities
- Air-conditioned
- Minibar
- Toilet
- Safe
- Shower
- TV
- Dining area
- Private bathroom
- Garden
- Outdoor pool
- 24hr front desk
- Sofa
- Kitchenette
- Private parking
- Horse riding
- Eco tourism
- Beach access
- Bicycle rental
- Fishing
- Daily housekeeping
- Currency exchange on-site
- Laundry service
- Airport shuttle
Reviews for Los Milagros Hotel
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Los Milagros Hotel, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 279 reviews of Los Milagros Hotel to date. Review data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Pros +
- "The location was easily walking distance to awesome food, shops, nightlife and the marina." (in 5 reviews)
- "The room was immaculate, and the property itself is beautiful." (in 6 reviews)
- The staff is the best part of Hotel Los Milagros. (in 1 review)
Cons -
- "Cracked window pane, fridge not working and bed too firm." (in 1 review)
- The room looked clean but did not seem to be deep cleaned often. (in 2 reviews)
- "The bed was a little hard, but that was our only complaint." (in 2 reviews)
Photos of Los Milagros Hotel
View a collection of 27 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Los Milagros Hotel to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on March 28, 2025.
Hotels similar to Los Milagros Hotel
Discover other properties in Cabo San Lucas that offer a similar experience and ambiance to Los Milagros Hotel. In total, there are 4,701 hotels serving travelers in Cabo San Lucas. Price data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Top Cabo San Lucas hotels
Hotels closest to Los Milagros Hotel
These are the closest hotels within a 0.2 mi proximity to Los Milagros Hotel. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $119 vs. $95 for Los Milagros Hotel. Data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Cheap Cabo San Lucas hotels
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travelers in Cabo San Lucas. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Cabo San Lucas is $21. The cheapest hotel is Mayan Monkey Los Cabos priced at $21. Price data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Recommended hotels
These properties are recommended for travelers visiting Cabo San Lucas. The average price of these properties is $770 per night. Price data was last updated on March 28, 2025 and sourced from 338 user searches.
Explore Downtown, Cabo San Lucas
Los Milagros Hotel is located at Mariano Matamoros 3738 in the Downtown neighborhood of Cabo San Lucas. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on March 28, 2025.
Most Popular Landmarks
Zen-Mar Mask Gallery
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Huichol Collection
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Museo de Cabo San Lucas
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Galeria La Grande
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0.3 mi
San Lucas Church
5 mins walk
0.3 mi
Zen-Mar Mask Gallery
1 min walk
0.0 mi
Huichol Collection
3 mins walk
0.1 mi
Museo de Cabo San Lucas
3 mins walk
0.2 mi
Galeria La Grande
5 mins walk
0.3 mi
San Lucas Church
5 mins walk
0.3 mi