February Hotel Apsan

February Hotel Apsan


235 Daemyeong-ro, Daegu, South Korea

GoodBased on 95 reviews


Cheapest rate

rate per night

Nightly total

Best deals for February Hotel Apsan

Explore the most appealing deals available for February Hotel Apsan, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on March 10, 2025.
Mon 3/17
Tue 3/18
Deluxe room
bed type unknown
bed type unknown
*Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.
Prices are based on 1 night, not including taxes and fees

About February Hotel Apsan

Discover essential information, amenities, and features of February Hotel Apsan, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on March 10, 2025.
Hotel with free breakfast, near Daegu Duryu Park An outdoor pool, a bar/lounge, and a spa tub are available at this hotel. Free continental breakfast, free WiFi in public areas, and free valet parking...

Good to Know

Check-in time3:00 PM
Check-out time12:00 PM
Payment & CancellationPolicies vary by room type and provider.
Front desk number+82 (0) 53 626 7001

Perks and amenities at February Hotel Apsan

A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at February Hotel Apsan
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Coffee machine
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Free toiletries
  • Internet
  • Parking
  • Laundry facilities
  • Complimentary breakfast


  • Bar/Lounge
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Coffee machine
  • Parking
  • Increased accessibility
  • Hairdryer
  • Pool
  • Adapter
  • Grill
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Bathrobe
  • Laundry facilities
  • Elevator
  • Air-conditioned
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Refrigerator
  • 24hr front desk
  • Free toiletries
  • Storage available


  • Daily housekeeping
  • Currency exchange on-site

Reviews for February Hotel Apsan

Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at February Hotel Apsan, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 95 reviews of February Hotel Apsan to date. Review data was last updated on March 10, 2025.
OkayBased on 95 verified guest reviews

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Photos of February Hotel Apsan

View a collection of 43 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of February Hotel Apsan to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on March 10, 2025.

Hotels similar to February Hotel Apsan

Discover other properties in Daegu that offer a similar experience and ambiance to February Hotel Apsan. In total, there are 606 hotels serving travelers in Daegu. Price data was last updated on March 10, 2025.

Explore Nam-gu, Daegu

February Hotel Apsan is located at 235 Daemyeong-ro in the Nam-gu neighborhood of Daegu. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on March 10, 2025.

Most Popular Landmarks

Duryu Park Stadium

1.7 mi

Daegu National Museum

4.7 mi

Daegu World Cup Stadium

7.8 mi


16.4 mi

Gatbawi Seokjoyeoraejwasang

17.2 mi

Duryu Park Stadium

1.7 mi

Daegu National Museum

4.7 mi

Daegu World Cup Stadium

7.8 mi


16.4 mi

Gatbawi Seokjoyeoraejwasang

17.2 mi

Rental Cars

$80 daily average

Closest Airports

Daegu Airport

8.6 mi

Daegu Airport

8.6 mi

  • How far is February Hotel Apsan from CGV Daegu?

    February Hotel Apsan is a good place to stay to see CGV Daegu. It’s 2.2 mi away.

  • Is February Hotel Apsan close to E-World?

    Walking distance - there’s 1.3 mi between E-World and February Hotel Apsan.

FAQs when booking at February Hotel Apsan

Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at February Hotel Apsan. FAQs were last updated on March 10, 2025.
  • How close is February Hotel Apsan to the nearest airport, Daegu Airport?

    There are 5.6 mi between the closest airport, Daegu Airport, and February Hotel Apsan. The drive to the airport from the hotel should take you 0h 11m with a normal traffic flow. It’s important to take high traffic times into consideration, especially in metropolitan areas.

  • Is there a pool at February Hotel Apsan?

    Yes, February Hotel Apsan has a pool for hotel guests. Generally, hotel pools have opening and closing times so be sure to speak to the front desk before using the pool.

  • How close is February Hotel Apsan from the Daegu city center?

    February Hotel Apsan is 0.9 mi away from the center of Nam-gu, Daegu. Consider visiting Lotte Cinema Sungseo, a popular landmark that can be accessed from February Hotel Apsan by various forms of transportation.

  • What is the February Hotel Apsan phone number?

    The best way to contact February Hotel Apsan is by calling +82 (0) 53 626 7001.

  • Does February Hotel Apsan have Wi-Fi available?

    Yes, February Hotel Apsan has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.

  • What is the check-out time at February Hotel Apsan?

    12:00 PM is the check-out time at February Hotel Apsan. Late check-out may be available, but needs to be agreed with the hotel.

  • How much does it cost to stay at February Hotel Apsan, Daegu?

    February Hotel Apsan room prices depend on your dates, room type and availability. The average price found recently is $42/night, with the best deals starting from $32/night. To see current deals, enter your dates in the form above.

  • Does February Hotel Apsan have a laundry service?

    Yes, there are laundry services usually available at February Hotel Apsan, Daegu.

  • Does February Hotel Apsan offer accessible rooms?

    Yes, February Hotel Apsan provides accessible rooms for guests requiring them. Make sure to check the deals available on HotelsCombined for the latest availability.

  • Does February Hotel Apsan have free breakfast?

    February Hotel Apsan offers free breakfast with some rates. Confirm the details of your reservation to determine if your rate includes free breakfast.

  • What is the cheapest month to stay at February Hotel Apsan?

    For the best chance to save money on your February Hotel Apsan reservation, consider staying in February, when prices are typically at their lowest ($59).

  • In what area of Daegu is February Hotel Apsan located?

    February Hotel Apsan is located within the Nam-gu area of Daegu. Utilize the map on this page to understand where February Hotel Apsan is in relation to the rest of Daegu.

  • How far is February Hotel Apsan from CGV Daegu?

    February Hotel Apsan is a good place to stay to see CGV Daegu. It’s 2.2 mi away.

  • Is February Hotel Apsan close to E-World?

    Walking distance - there’s 1.3 mi between E-World and February Hotel Apsan.

See more FAQs
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