Sisowath Quay, River Front,277 C, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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Best deals for Bougainvillier
Explore the most appealing deals available for Bougainvillier, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on March 28, 2025.
About Bougainvillier
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Bougainvillier, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Good to Know
Check-in time | 2:00 PM |
Check-out time | 11:30 AM |
Payment & Cancellation | Policies vary by room type and provider. |
Front desk number | +855 2322 0528 |
Perks and amenities at Bougainvillier
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Bougainvillier
- Restaurant
- Bar/Lounge
- Room service
- Free Wi-Fi
- Cable or satellite TV
- Airport shuttle
- Internet
- Laundry service
- Laundry facilities
- Hairdryer
- Safe
- Sauna
- Room service
- Restaurant
- Bar/Lounge
- Hairdryer
- Cable or satellite TV
- Gift shop
- Laundry facilities
- Air-conditioned
- Minibar
- 24hr front desk
- Storage available
- Airport shuttle
- Currency exchange on-site
- Laundry service
Reviews for Bougainvillier
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Bougainvillier, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 97 reviews of Bougainvillier to date. Review data was last updated on March 28, 2025.
Pros +
- Very nice huge room with khmer handicrafts. (in 2 reviews)
- Fantastic hotel with an amazing atmosphere and helpful staff! (in 1 review)
- Cleanliness of room wifi stairs (in 14 reviews)
Cons -
- "Breakfast was slow in coming, and not tasty." (in 2 reviews)
- Good location on waterfront However conditions of hotel are poor. (in 2 reviews)
- "We were very annoyed, being placed on the top floor with no bloody lift" (in 7 reviews)