1849 Condos
Mammoth Lakes, CA, United States
Cheapest rate
rate per night
Best deals for 1849 Condos
Explore the most appealing deals available for 1849 Condos, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on mars 10, 2025.
About 1849 Condos
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of 1849 Condos, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Good to Know
Check-in time | 4:00 PM |
Check-out time | 10:00 AM |
Payment & Cancellation | Policies vary by room type and provider. |
Perks and amenities at 1849 Condos
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at 1849 Condos
- Private pool
- Sauna
- Kitchen
- Game room
- Wi-Fi
- Coffee machine
- Washing machine
- Clothes dryer
- Linens
- Towels
- Private pool
- No smoking
- Kid-friendly
- Parking
- Hairdryer
- Linens
- Towels
- Fireplace
- Cable or satellite TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Fire extinguisher
- Emergency contact numbers
- Snow sports gear
- Refrigerator
- Central heating
- Sauna
- Clothes dryer
- Living room
- Heated pool
- Smoke alarms
- Heating
- Dishwasher
- Iron and ironing board
- Coffee machine
- Deadbolt locks
- Oven
- TV
- Dishes
- Emergency exit
- First-aid kit
- Microwave
- Dining area
- Indoor pool
- Kitchen
- Washing machine
- Games for adults
- Table tennis
- Game room
- Foosball table
- Spa
Reviews for 1849 Condos
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at 1849 Condos, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 35 reviews of 1849 Condos to date. Review data was last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Pros +
- Great location and fun hot tub apres ski! (in 1 review)
- Close to canyon lodge (in 2 reviews)
- Closer to town and very quiet (in 1 review)
Photos of 1849 Condos
View a collection of 20 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of 1849 Condos to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Hotels similar to 1849 Condos
Discover other properties in Mammoth Lakes that offer a similar experience and ambiance to 1849 Condos. In total, there are 3,684 hotels serving travelers in Mammoth Lakes. Price data was last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Top Mammoth Lakes hotels
Hotels closest to 1849 Condos
These are the closest hotels within a 0.8 mi proximity to 1849 Condos. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $213 vs. $470 for 1849 Condos. Data was last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Cheap Mammoth Lakes hotels
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travelers in Mammoth Lakes. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Mammoth Lakes is $56. The cheapest hotel is Moderne Hostel priced at $56. Price data was last updated on mars 10, 2025.
Recommended hotels
These properties are recommended for travelers visiting Mammoth Lakes. The average price of these properties is $227 per night. Price data was last updated on mars 10, 2025 and sourced from 95 user searches.
Explore Mammoth Lakes
1849 Condos is located at in the neighborhood of Mammoth Lakes. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on mars 10, 2025.
Most Popular Landmarks
Village Gondola
3 mins drive
1.1 mi
Sierra Star Golf Course
4 mins drive
1.5 mi
Panorama Gondola
12 mins drive
5.2 mi
Mammoth Mountain
5.8 mi
Devil's Postpile National Monument
46 mins drive
13.5 mi
Village Gondola
3 mins drive
1.1 mi
Sierra Star Golf Course
4 mins drive
1.5 mi
Panorama Gondola
12 mins drive
5.2 mi
Mammoth Mountain
5.8 mi
Devil's Postpile National Monument
46 mins drive
13.5 mi
Closest Airports
Mammoth Lakes Airport
15 mins drive
9.3 mi
Mammoth Lakes Airport
15 mins drive
9.3 mi